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The Mushrooms of Great Smoky Mountains National Park 🍄

One of our favorite National Parks to visit time and time again is Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It was one of our very first parks to check off when we were just kids. 

The abundance of trails, wildlife, fresh air, streams, mountain range, neighboring towns, the history, and the versatility (great for families, thrill seekers, and everyone in between)-- all these things make The Smokies a memorable park. 

An underrated part of this park in our opinion are the tiniest details by Mother Nature, more notably the colorful mushrooms you'll encounter on the many trails (see our limited edition shiny "Tread Lightly" Mushroom sticker)

Fellow co-founder (and adventurous wife) Serena gets credit for these amazing shots of the Great Smoky Mushrooms. Scroll down. Enjoy!

What are your favorite things about The Smokies? Comment at the bottom of this post. 



  • I wrote that #4 is Ganoderma tsugae, but the #4 at the beginning got lost

  • is Ganoderma tsugae, sometimes called Hemlock Reishi.
  • What were some of the trails these were found on?

  • Does anyone know what #4 is? Having a hard time ID’ing it myself.

    Austin M
  • Number 9 is chicken of the woods and a super tasty mushroom, number 2 is. Ghost pipes and actually a parasitic plant flowering.


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